Fitralo respects the privacy of anyone whose personal data are processed by Fitralo, also including those of visitors and users of the website (in the following: “the website”). Fitralo highly values the careful handling of personal data. Fitralo will process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016).

Fitralo processes personal data if and to the extent this is necessary to comply with a legal requirement or court order, as well as on the basis of the following three legal grounds:

1) To implement an agreement between you and Fitralo or your request to conclude such an agreement.

These grounds pertain in case you register as a business on the website to create a profile or you create an account on the website as a visitor. If you register on the website for a company profile or you create an account, you conclude an agreement with Fitralo and you can make use of the functionalities of the website that are offered.

In the context of these legal grounds for the processing of personal data, Fitralo processes your personal data exclusively if and to the extent it is necessary to implement the agreement concluded with you. The data submitted by an enterprise via its profile intended to be displayed on the website for visitors thereof can be seen by any visitor to the website. In addition, in the context of the implementation of the agreement with businesses, Fitralo processes the payment data to invoice the relevant business for the services of Fitralo.

2) A legitimate interest of Fitralo.

These grounds pertain in case of:

a) the automatic provision by Fitralo of the personal data submitted by you by way of the website to the hosting party deployed by Fitralo. This is necessary to let the website and e-mail facilities of Fitralo function properly;

b) the automatic provision by Fitralo of personal data of businesses registered on the website to the operator of the accounting software used by Fitralo to the extent this is necessary to take care of the accounts and administration of Fitralo;

c) the transcription of data on the website, also including your personal data, to a possible future mobile application of Fitralo to offer the services of Fitralo (as well) via this mobile application;

d) the keeping of personal data of businesses that still owe a payment to Fitralo after rescission of the agreement to the extent this is required to be able to identify that business to prevent the creation anew of a profile.

In this context, Fitralo processes your personal data exclusively if and to the extent necessary to serve the legitimate interests indicated.

3) Your permission.

These grounds pertain in case:

a) you contact Fitralo via the contact form on the website or in any other manner. Because your permission is implied in the fact of your contacting us;

b) Fitralo wants to use your personal data or provide them to third parties for other purposes still.

In this context it applies that your permission is always effective for a specific type of processing and for a specific purpose. If Fitralo has multiple purposes with the processing of personal data, then Fitralo will inform you accordingly, with the exception of what is stated under a), and ask for your permission for each purpose separately.

Exclusively collaborators authorised to such effect by Fitralo have access to your personal data and exclusively to the extent this is required to carry out the tasks assigned to them. This also applies with respect to third parties as intended above and to which Fitralo provides personal data. Fitralo will not sell your personal data under any circumstances. The persons falling under the responsibility of Fitralo, as well as third parties deployed by Fitralo, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data. To the extent Fitralo outsources the processing of personal data to a third party, Fitralo will take the necessary steps to guarantee that your personal data are sufficiently protected. Such steps comprise, if and to the extent this is required by the law, the application of a processor agreement with such receivers to make sure that they take the same or similar technical and organisational measures as Fitralo, so that your personal data are sufficiently protected.

Cookies used by Fitralo

Fitralo uses functional and analytical cookies on the website. A cookie is a tiny text file that is stored in the browser of your device upon your visit to the website. Cookies with a merely technical functionality (functional cookies) make sure that the website functions properly and that your preferential settings, for example, are memorized. These cookies are used as well to let the website function properly and to be able to optimize it.

By way of analytical cookies, Fitralo collects data for research in order to gain more insight into the use of the website by the visitors thereof. In that context, Fitralo makes use of Google Analytics to help analyse in what manner the website is used by collecting logging data and visitor conduct on the website in an anonymous form. The IP-address of the visitors, however, is concealed, a processor agreement with Google has been concluded, and no data are forwarded for additional Google services.

You can prevent or restrict the use of cookies by selecting the proper settings on the internet browser. If you restrict the use of cookies, it is possible, however, that the functionalities of the website cannot be exploited optimally.

Your rights

You have the right to ask Fitralo for the perusal, deletion, and rectification of your personal data, as well as to restrict the processing that regards you. You also have the right to object against the processing and you are entitled to data transmissibility. This means that you can submit a request to Fitralo to send your personal data that are processed by Fitralo in a computer file to you or to an organisation indicated by you.

In order to make sure that the request was made by you, Fitralo asks you to attach a copy of your ID to the request. Redact the MRZ (machine-readable zone, the bar with numbers on the document), document number, and social security number ('BSN') on this copy. This to protect your privacy. Fitralo will respond to your request as soon as possible, though in any event within four weeks.

To the extent the processing of personal data is based on the permission obtained from you, you have the right at all times to withdraw this permission, without affecting the legitimacy of the processing based on the permission prior to its withdrawal.

You have the right to submit a complaint to the oversight authority 'Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens' or in case you reside or are established in a different country than the Netherlands, the oversight authority in that location.

Retention of personal data

Personal data are only retained by Fitralo for as long as it is necessary in view of the purposes they are processed for. Fitralo implements appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure personal data against loss and against any form of unlawful processing. These measures guarantee, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation, an appropriate level of security considering the risks entailed by the processing and the nature of the personal data to be protected. The measures are also directed at the prevention of unnecessary processing of personal data.


For questions about this privacy statement or inquiries or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data by Fitralo, you can contact Fitralo. Fitralo is happy to help you if you have questions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data by Fitralo or if you wish to modify or remove your personal data.



Telephone: +31 85 06 06 037

Monday- Friday: 08:00 / 17:00 CET

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